Janet 和Alan两人的婚姻因为一场婚外恋变得越发紧张,知道女儿怀孕后,也没有心情高兴。但是他们认为Laura将孩子生下来做未婚妈妈这个决定会毁了女儿的生活,更严重的是,也会毁了他们的生活。
Janet gets in touch from New York. She tells Laura that she has found somebody else and is contemplating a divorce, even sending an estate agent to have the house valued. Laura tries to reconcile her parents but in vain as Janet informs her that she is staying in New York but will provide Laura with a flat. Jamie and his parents are evicted and move into a mobile home which tilts a lot. Jamie then announces that he is quitting school to find work and move into the flat with Laura whilst Beth makes it clear to Mike that she has no desire to keep in touch after their one night stand.