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Money doesn't grow on trees
Buddhists attach Thai baht banknotes on an artificial tree with golden leaves during a ceremony in Bangkok.
Photo: Reuters/Damir Sagolj.
Today's Phrase
The phrase money doesn't grow on trees means you must not spend too much money, as there is only a limited amount of it.
My daughter Claire wants a car for her 17th birthday, but I can't afford it. Money doesn't grow on trees!
"Mum, can you give me some more pocket money?"
"No I can't – money doesn't grow on trees, you know."
Take note
The phrase money is no object means that you have a lot of money available to spend.
相反,如果说“money is no object”,那就是“不差钱儿”的意思。
He lives in a mansion, has three sports cars and goes on holiday every month. Money is no object for him.
Interesting fact
You can often see Buddhist 'money trees' in Thailand. The tree shown above was part of a ceremony to mark Vesak Day, the annual celebration of Buddah's birth, enlightenment and death.
在泰国经常会看到"钱树 money trees"。卫塞节(Vesak Day) 是纪念佛陀出生、成道觉悟和逝世的一个节日。钱树每年都会作为庆祝活动的一部分现身于此节日。
【BBC Today's Phrase】合集:http://club.topsage.com/thread-3100775-1-1.html |