新浪教育[微博]讯 据英国《每日邮报》报道,英国皇室成员凯特王妃近期前往位于伦敦的伊灵工作室,探班大家众所周知的英剧《唐顿庄园》,从各种服装外型到化装到拍摄现场逛了个遍!下个月小宝宝就要降生的人,还这么拼!这么忙! 据悉,凯特王妃是继查尔斯与凯米拉之后,在本周第三位探班《唐顿庄园》的皇室成员哦!你不可思议这不长篇电视剧在英国受热捧的水平有多么火爆! There's a new Duchess at Downton! Pregnant Kate poses with the stars and creator of hit ITV show for a very special souvenir photo The Duchess of Cambridge visited the set of the long-running ITV drama at Ealing Studios in London。 She is the third royal to meet Downton stars in less than a week and confessed to being a fan in 2011. Last week saw a visit from the Countess of Wessex while Charles and Camilla hobnobbed with stars on MondayKate, who is eight months pregnant, was on set to watch a scene from series six being filmed 连凯特王妃都直言:“唐顿里的每一位明星都是自己的偶像,特别扮演英国古典淑女的Lady Mary”更是让人称誉。 |